August 1, 2009

Work work work

"All work and no play makes Alex a doll girl."

The last few days after coming home from Pirkkala have been nothing but work. Not that I'm complaining... At least I get money for working at McDonald's and it's not like it's boring either. All the people and their company at work makes days fun and enjoyable + they go by fast.

The only "excitement" that has happened in my life during these charming work days is that I almost drove under a car with my scooter going home from work. I got off at 9pm and outside it was dark and poring rain. The second I went outside I was all ready soaked! Imagine driving over 10 km in that weather! Well I had no choice but to go home and get even more soaked. I drove through town and because of the poring rain blocking my view I couldn't see the red light and almost got hit by a car. I was lucky not to get squished!

Today Pekka and Ilari picked me up from home after work and we went for coffee and to some kind of Gospel Rock -festival thing :D But we weren't there for long cause Pekka had to pick his mom up from the train station and I was starving and wanted to go home and eat :D After eating I've been playing with my new Asus laptop that I bought yesterday and loosing my mind trying to get the wireless Internet connection to work! You can not believe how irritating the last hour has been for me -.- And now I've been trying to create a play list on my blog but it seems to be way to difficult to do for my peanut sized brain! Maybe I'll get one of my geek friends to help me with creating it :D We'll see... :)
After tomorrow I'll have two days off from work so I'll have time to do something interesting to write about ;) Remember that different even crazy ideas are gladly accepted! :)

And no picures today... Sorryyyyy...... :((

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