August 8, 2009


Today I had a little mother daughter quality time. Me and my mom, we went to have lunch at town and after that I went to work (surprise, surprise!). Being at work today was total hell! My cough has just got worse and opproximately 70% of the time I spent at work I was coughing in the pack. But despite of all the horrible coughing attacks I had a pretty perfeckt day, that is if you once again don't count the 5 hours at work.

I bought new shoes, black gladiators from Aleksi 13. I've been searching for the perfect pair of gladiator shoes for 2 years now and FINALLY I found them! They were the last pair they had, 50% off and my size! If anything, that is destiny! According to my dad I'm supposed to be on a "shopping bracke" until september and he got pretty mad when he saw my new lovely shoes and found out about all the other stuff I've bought after getting back from Florida. But men, what could they possibly know about our wimmons needs to shop! Right!?!?

After work I went to Citymarket to look for a perfect photo album but my search continues... Instead I bought the newest Cosmopolitan magazine and a Kings Of Leon album called Youth & Young Manhood. I had time to listen to a couple songs after getting back home from work but before I knew it it was time to go to Heikka's house and help her with her packing. Shes leaving to New Mexico on the 18th to UWC (United World College). I'm gonna miss my best friend so much but at the same time I am so happy for her that she has the opportunity to do something so life changing! :)

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