August 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Mummi!!! <3

My mummi (=grandma) turned 84 on the 15 of August and yesterday our whole family from my mom's side went to eat to a new restaurant at Seinäjoki called Uppalan kartano to remember mummis birthday. The place was OK. The food was good and the place was really nice but the portions weren't that big and a girl like me needs a lot of food! :D After eating the our whole gang went to our summerhouse in Lapua (which is about 25km North from Seinäjoki) cause my cousin Janne got a masters degree in arts and we went to celebrate that over some good cake and coffee. :)

Hmmm... why is my sister having a white wine bottle all to herself???

Here is what I was wearing:
I rushed over to H&M after school so I could find something to wear (like I wouldn't have enough unused dresses in my closet) and found this for 15€. Shoes from Halonen and blazer Gina Tricot.
Tomorrow me, my family and Elina and her family we are all gonna go to their summer cottage in Kuhmoinen for the weekend. We have a evening picnic trip to an island planned and everything. It's gonna be loads of fun! Bummer that Tanskurock is now during this same weekend :( I would have really wanted to go there! But no can do :/
Now I have to go and pack cause we are leaving right after I get out of school at 2pm :))
Posts of my weekend on Monday! See ya ;)

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