August 11, 2009


Today was our first day back to school after summer holiday and my day in school was absolutely fabulous! NOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT! First of all I was late about 2 hours and second of all during the first lesson I attended today I got sick. I started feeling very hot and sweaty... After a while my face was just dripping of sweat and I started feeling very nauseous and dizzy. And before I knew it I had puked on the floor. Nice :) I ran to the toilets and I looked at myself at the mirror and I was GREEN! I'm dead serious I was actually green! I have never ever seen myself look that hideous :D Well at least I didn't have to go to my chemistry lesson :P

1 comment:

  1. voi rakkaani... mistä sä sen taudin oot saanu? :OOO toivottavasti mä en tuu kipiäksi kans :D
