August 4, 2009


I woke up to my phone ringing. I got up and ran to my phone thinking I hope it's someone who would like to do something exiting and fun with me today! But NO! It was McDonald's calling... I answered carefully and my boss was on the other end wanting me to come and work from 4pm to 10 pm today. So that's what I'm doing today! :) No interesting posting from me during this week! Sorry once again :/ But we gotta look at the bright side! More money means more clothes ;D

But to keep you somehow entertained I will tell you what I've done these past few days trying desperately get myself somehow entertained.

Me, Pekka and Ilari hung around, drank coffee as usual and went to some Deli -festival... which I don't really know what it was. We checked it out, got bored and left. It wasn't really that interesting. Or at least the band we saw while being there sucked! (sorry if I offended anyone but that's just my opinion)

After getting back home from a exhausting day at work me and Joona decided to go camping :) We packed our stuff and off we went! The night was dark and scary and we had no other light than the light shining from the moon and that really didn't help us either cause we were sitting in the tent... After sitting in the dark tent for tree hours not able to see anything we started to hear voices and got really scared. Then we realized that the forest we were in had a bear family living in it and that's when we ran! :D Back home to my soft BIG bed :) Then I watched Wall-E from my new Asus laptop that I bought last week and it rocks!

I slept in because it was my day off, went for a walk with my lovely siblings and our dog Ellie-May and saw my friend Henri that I haven't seen for the longest time! It was nice to see him and talk to him :) And it was nice to notice that he hadn't changed even one bit! :D He's still the same cut and cuddly guy that I had met last summer! :)
He doesn't like me taking pictures of him :(
But now I really gotta go because the pots and pans in the kitchen are awaiting and I have to get ready for work because right now... well to be honest I look like shit!!! :D