August 18, 2009

Costa Rica Here I COME! :)

As you probably all ready guessed from my choice of subject, I chose Costa Rica from my two choices were to go as an exchange student next year. I was actually late with my applications which is not a big surprise! I seem to be always late with everything! :S But my mom who is ultimately the best mom ever ;D called to AFS and talked the people in to getting me aboard to the program... even though I was late about 4 months :D And today I volunteer worker from AFS came to our house for 2 hours to interview me :) In the end she said that all in all the interview went very well and that I have a 99.5% chance to get in and to go to Costa Rica all ready in FEBRUARY!!! I am so psyched! :)))) Now both thumbs up that that 5% wont ruin my future! :(

That's me next summer! ;)

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