August 11, 2009

No good byes, just c ya laters!

Yesterday (Monday) was mine and Heikkas last whole day together before she leaves to USA. And how did we spend it? Well doing the two things we love the most, photographing and EATING of course :D
Be aware! This blog post contains a lot of pictures!

[top: H&M, skirt: American Apparel, bracelets: from her friend, shoes: second hand]

Dont I look just like Audrey Hepburn ;P [sun glasses: Prestige 14,90€, dress: Gina Tricot 5€]

[shoes: from Aleksi 13, shorts: self made, KISS top: e-bay, denim jacket: Kappahl, bracelets: Forever 21]

[tee: H&M Young, skirt: have no idea!]

After us modeling for each other we got so hungry that we decided to go to town and get some food from Subways :)

and what would a perfect day be without Arnolds

After Arnolds we went back to my place, kicked back and watched The Hunchback of Notre Dame :D It was actually a really exiting movie!

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