August 25, 2009

Kuhmoinen, Längelmäki, Kuhmoinen???

Friday after school me and my mom adventured over to Kuhmoinen... or Längelmäki... or whatever it may be :D We went to my cousins summer cottage, as I told you in my last post, and there the whole rest of the gang was all ready waiting for me and my mom to arrive! We had a really laid back weekend with good food, good drinks and very good deserts ;)

We played games, watched movies, talked and toke a trip on a motorboat to their very own island called Kanervasaari :)

And on our way back home we stopped at Finland's biggest market store Veljekset Keskinen, which actually sucks really bad! Sure they've got cheap make up and such, but all in all they really don't have anything interesting, at least for me, in that store.

And here's the owners, Vesa Keskinen's house! Sublime isn't it? I am actually speechless! It's so tacky and BUTT UGLY! OMG! :D Those unicorns really top it all off!
Right now I'm eating a delishious candybar! :)))))


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