July 31, 2009

The Last Day

Wednesday was the last day for me in Pirkkala for now. As you see I'm a little behind schedule :S Sorry! I'll catch up! Anyways the last day me and Elina spent sleeping in until 1 pm and laying on the beach the rest of the day until it was time for me to leave to the train and go back home to Seinäjoki :( I promise I will go back to Pirkkala as soon as possible! And on the 21st of august I'm going with my and Elinas family to their summer gottage for the whole weekend :) That's gonna be alot of fun I guarantee ;D

Ofcourse we had to make some food so I wouldn't starv during the 1 ½ hour train ride back home :D
My little naked shef :D

But now I have to go to work and make some money ;)


  1. Onhan se mahtavaa että musta saa noin hyviä kuvia.. oon ainaki luonnollinen jos ei muuta :DDD hahaha, :D

  2. second from the top.. there's something familiar.. :D
