July 17, 2009


Yesterday was an insanely fun day! ...For the most part at least :D First of all I had to wake up at 8.30 am which was not that fun! More like irritatingly annoying! I just couldn't manage to get my eyes open... but in the end I just had to get up and get myself ready for work. After all what would McDonald's be without me ;)

Anyways after a fun and relaxing day at work (NOT!) I went fishing with my friend Latikka to his summer cabin by the Nurmo river and that was the insanely fun part of the day :)
We fished, of course, played with little cuddly hedgehoges and grilled sausages and cinnamon rolls :DD

We also made our own fishing poles. I got hooked and there was blood gushing from my thumb :D Well not quite but there could have been!

The cinnamon roll grilling didn't work out that well but luckily I ate my share of the rolls before Latikka did :D
And I got more fish than Latikka did ;) But I also managed to brake one of the poles :D

The afternoon at the cabin was really fun and I haven't done anything like that in a while, so it was really refreshing. :) So thanks to Latikka for saving my day! Otherwise it would have been really boring as usual. :)

Hey by the way. Does anyone have any new and fresh ideas what to do??? I have the beginning of the week off from work and I would really wanna do something fun and out of the ordinary! :)

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