July 28, 2009

Hey Ho Let's Go!

With Elina... Again ;D Shopping at down town Tampere. Just a normal shopping day. Money was spent here and there and everywhere. And a little too enthusiastically. We went to eat at a nice restaurant in Tampere called Bella Roma and after we had payed the check for the delichious food we had ate, we notised that we didn't have any money left for the buss... and that was our only way back home! OOPS! All we knew was that we weren't gonna walk the 20 kilometers that we had back home! After thinking and weighting the different possibilities we desided to return one of the items we had bought. Luckily everything I had bought was bought from the sales so I couldent return any of my items :D But then again Elina... She had bought cosmetics from The Body Shop and was able to return the stuff she had bought :) Happily we ran to the buss and our day was saved! :)

Bikini 4€ H&M

Jacket 9.90€ Gina Tricot

After getting back home I quickly took a shower and changed my clothes for a spesial evening ;) You might or might not (I really wish u will!) hear about what hopefully will be stepping into my life ;)

I actually arrived here yesterday but we didn't do anything actually do anything interesting so here's just a fiew pictures from yesterday.

Tariq ^^

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