July 20, 2009

Weekend Avec Elina

Last weekend happened a lot of interesting stuff.
Elina, my cousin came to our house from Tampere where she lives for a long weekend to spend some time with me before school starts again.
Friday and Saturday I had to work but luckily Sunday I had off which aloud us to have plenty of fun Saturday and Sunday evening ;)

First me and Elina went to visit Ilari at his house. After having coffee and chatting for a while we drove over to Latikkas house to a small party he had. During that evening me, my cousin and a girl we had met at the party desided to crash a wedding, that was held a couple doors over, and so we did :D It was fun, exiting and kinda scary, it was defenintly something I have never done before!

The next day we woke up early and went to Ylistaro with Elina and our friend Rede. We went to see Ilaris football game and to be honest Ilari kinda sucked :D But I'm shure it was because he was tired. :P
After the game we hed back home, rented a boat and went rowing into the mighty Nurmo river :) We had alot of problems with the boat but after everything we managed to get going and the river was absolutely beatiful! It felt like being in some other country than Finland but I guess Finland can be beatiful too...

They left me on that biggo rock.. but they came back to the rescue :)

And then we had some trouble getting the boat back on the shore...

After a interesting trip at the river me and Elina went to play tennis. In our case u coulden't really call it playing tennis... it was more like: "Serve! Shit it went too far... Get the ball!" :D But it was fun anyways :D

We look so athletic and active!After playing some interesting tennis we went to Ilaris house once again and had alot of fun fun fun! Or as you can see atleast I had alot of fun fun fun :D But hey, we only live once so lets make the best of it!
Today (Monday):

Today was a rainy day and we didn't really do anything besides went to a couple thrift stores to make some finds and I didn't even find anything :( Luckily Elina did though so it wasn't a completely unnecessary trip. In the end of this rainy day Elina jumped on the train and went back home to Pirkkala. Ofcourse I'm sad but the best thing about it is that I'm gonna go to her house next week and then there will be more tremendous fun! ;)

But for now good night, sleep tight and DON'T let the bed bugs bite! :o

1 comment:

  1. heeeii oli vähä kiva!:)) voi että tulee hyvälle mielelle ku luki tuon kuinka hauskaa meillä oli tehdä kaikkia uusia juttuja, näistä musta otetuista kuvista en oo kyllä varma.. :D jotain järkyttävää, mutta seuraavalla viikolla oot tulos kyllä meille, mä pakotan sut tänne :)) hyviä unia<3

