July 11, 2009


Finally I had the time and courage to create my own blog! I've been thinking about doing my own blog for a while now and I decided that now is the time to do it... Let's just see what comes out of it. I'm having a lot of trouble with the lay and what it should look like so don't worry, this will definitely not be the final outcome! :D
And if there is some spelling mistakes pleas
e inform me or just ignore them, remember it's just a blog post. If you have any ideas what to post about, any ideas what the appearance should look like or just anything that comes in to your mind just let me know. Especially me being new at this I'd love to get some different ideas from anyone whose reading.

I've been in Florida for the past 3 weeks with my family and my best friend so I'll tell you about the whole vacation some other time... Maybe tomorrow when I have more time. But now I will tell you about an incident that happened yesterday to my friend Heikka while we were roller skating. She managed to be so talented that she got a big rock in between her wheel and couldn't roller skate anymore. We tried to get the rock out by banging it and poking it with a stick but all we managed to achieve was getting the stick stuck in there too. So I roller skated home with my golden retriever Ellie-May as fast as I could, jumped on my scooter and hurried to rescue! I drove her back home and survived! :) It doesn't sound so funny but at least we had a good laugh :D

1 comment:

  1. well good:) you finally have own block:D nice little story about heikka and u, emmä keksi mitää :DD
