July 14, 2009

My master plan

Yesterday while my parents where away from home I came up with a plan: "If I wash these dishes my parents would not have to do it and therefore they would be thankful for me :)" So that's what I did. I washed the dishes and put them up to dry in the drying cabinet and when I opened the cabinet again my mom's precious glass dish dropped out straight on a plate that was on the counter top... Well luckily my mom wasn't very mad :)

I also got invited to lookbook.nu witch is awesome!!! It's a street fashion site with people all over the world posting their looks for others to see. It's very cool, you should check it out!

I also visited my friend Joona who had just came back home from London a couple days ago. We had fun, as usual. He locked me up in a room when he got sick of me, we ate chocolate and cookies until we (or actually I) felt like puking... A lot of fun ;)

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