August 25, 2009

Kuhmoinen, Längelmäki, Kuhmoinen???

Friday after school me and my mom adventured over to Kuhmoinen... or Längelmäki... or whatever it may be :D We went to my cousins summer cottage, as I told you in my last post, and there the whole rest of the gang was all ready waiting for me and my mom to arrive! We had a really laid back weekend with good food, good drinks and very good deserts ;)

We played games, watched movies, talked and toke a trip on a motorboat to their very own island called Kanervasaari :)

And on our way back home we stopped at Finland's biggest market store Veljekset Keskinen, which actually sucks really bad! Sure they've got cheap make up and such, but all in all they really don't have anything interesting, at least for me, in that store.

And here's the owners, Vesa Keskinen's house! Sublime isn't it? I am actually speechless! It's so tacky and BUTT UGLY! OMG! :D Those unicorns really top it all off!
Right now I'm eating a delishious candybar! :)))))


August 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Mummi!!! <3

My mummi (=grandma) turned 84 on the 15 of August and yesterday our whole family from my mom's side went to eat to a new restaurant at Seinäjoki called Uppalan kartano to remember mummis birthday. The place was OK. The food was good and the place was really nice but the portions weren't that big and a girl like me needs a lot of food! :D After eating the our whole gang went to our summerhouse in Lapua (which is about 25km North from Seinäjoki) cause my cousin Janne got a masters degree in arts and we went to celebrate that over some good cake and coffee. :)

Hmmm... why is my sister having a white wine bottle all to herself???

Here is what I was wearing:
I rushed over to H&M after school so I could find something to wear (like I wouldn't have enough unused dresses in my closet) and found this for 15€. Shoes from Halonen and blazer Gina Tricot.
Tomorrow me, my family and Elina and her family we are all gonna go to their summer cottage in Kuhmoinen for the weekend. We have a evening picnic trip to an island planned and everything. It's gonna be loads of fun! Bummer that Tanskurock is now during this same weekend :( I would have really wanted to go there! But no can do :/
Now I have to go and pack cause we are leaving right after I get out of school at 2pm :))
Posts of my weekend on Monday! See ya ;)

August 18, 2009

Costa Rica Here I COME! :)

As you probably all ready guessed from my choice of subject, I chose Costa Rica from my two choices were to go as an exchange student next year. I was actually late with my applications which is not a big surprise! I seem to be always late with everything! :S But my mom who is ultimately the best mom ever ;D called to AFS and talked the people in to getting me aboard to the program... even though I was late about 4 months :D And today I volunteer worker from AFS came to our house for 2 hours to interview me :) In the end she said that all in all the interview went very well and that I have a 99.5% chance to get in and to go to Costa Rica all ready in FEBRUARY!!! I am so psyched! :)))) Now both thumbs up that that 5% wont ruin my future! :(

That's me next summer! ;)

August 15, 2009


Sick and tired of being sick all the frickin time! Does this never end?? I went to the doctor in the beginning of the week and apparently I have some sort of a virus. Well I guess/hope it will wear off since the cough medicine doesn't help even one bit...
But now to more happier things! :) Yesterday was our dog's birthday! :) She turned 5 years old. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ELLIE-MAY!!! Anddddd.... that's about it when it comes to the happy things going on in my life right now :D

Here's some pictures that have inspired my style and just made me happy lately :)

Kate Moss

Patti Smith

Brandon Boyd

August 12, 2009

Help Me! :S

I've got a serious problem! I'm filling out my exchange student application and I'm having a real problem choosing between two countries where to go. The question is France or Costa Rica??? I'm having serious trouble choosing between these two so different countries! So please help me with my problem and tell me what do you think which country would be better, France or Costa Rica? :)
France: The fashion, food and wine. The highly sophisticated people and worm sunny beaches. Countrysides and wineries, restaurants and cities. Paris as the city of love.
Costa Rica: Sun 24/7, surfing in the sea and laying on the beach after school. Hot dudes, laid back people and everything is dirt cheap. Voted as the happiest place on the planet.

August 11, 2009


Today was our first day back to school after summer holiday and my day in school was absolutely fabulous! NOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT! First of all I was late about 2 hours and second of all during the first lesson I attended today I got sick. I started feeling very hot and sweaty... After a while my face was just dripping of sweat and I started feeling very nauseous and dizzy. And before I knew it I had puked on the floor. Nice :) I ran to the toilets and I looked at myself at the mirror and I was GREEN! I'm dead serious I was actually green! I have never ever seen myself look that hideous :D Well at least I didn't have to go to my chemistry lesson :P

No good byes, just c ya laters!

Yesterday (Monday) was mine and Heikkas last whole day together before she leaves to USA. And how did we spend it? Well doing the two things we love the most, photographing and EATING of course :D
Be aware! This blog post contains a lot of pictures!

[top: H&M, skirt: American Apparel, bracelets: from her friend, shoes: second hand]

Dont I look just like Audrey Hepburn ;P [sun glasses: Prestige 14,90€, dress: Gina Tricot 5€]

[shoes: from Aleksi 13, shorts: self made, KISS top: e-bay, denim jacket: Kappahl, bracelets: Forever 21]

[tee: H&M Young, skirt: have no idea!]

After us modeling for each other we got so hungry that we decided to go to town and get some food from Subways :)

and what would a perfect day be without Arnolds

After Arnolds we went back to my place, kicked back and watched The Hunchback of Notre Dame :D It was actually a really exiting movie!

August 8, 2009

There might be hope after all

About a year ago I went to Helsinki to a modeling agency named Paparazzi to see if I would have any possibilities to be a model. Well according to them I was too short to be a model as I was 172cm, but to get back at them if I grow up to be 174cm minimum. Now a year has went by and I have grown only 0,5cm :/ But there might be hope after all!

Tonight me and Reetta went to Tanelinranta, which is a swimming hole near by, to swim... We ran into some friends; Iiro and VJ. Hung out with them for a while as they were having a drink of white wine and beer. We called to Reettas good friend Niko and got together with him and some of his random friend that he was hanging out with. Well it just turned out to be that one of his friends that lives actually in Tampere and who was a really funny and entertaining guy has some photographer friends that might be interested in having me as their catalogue model or what ever kind of model :D He promised to give out my information so I guess we'll just have to see how that's gonna work out for me! I really hope they will be interested and contact me! :) But for now just living in high hopes :)
And no pics of today which is a pity :(


Today I had a little mother daughter quality time. Me and my mom, we went to have lunch at town and after that I went to work (surprise, surprise!). Being at work today was total hell! My cough has just got worse and opproximately 70% of the time I spent at work I was coughing in the pack. But despite of all the horrible coughing attacks I had a pretty perfeckt day, that is if you once again don't count the 5 hours at work.

I bought new shoes, black gladiators from Aleksi 13. I've been searching for the perfect pair of gladiator shoes for 2 years now and FINALLY I found them! They were the last pair they had, 50% off and my size! If anything, that is destiny! According to my dad I'm supposed to be on a "shopping bracke" until september and he got pretty mad when he saw my new lovely shoes and found out about all the other stuff I've bought after getting back from Florida. But men, what could they possibly know about our wimmons needs to shop! Right!?!?

After work I went to Citymarket to look for a perfect photo album but my search continues... Instead I bought the newest Cosmopolitan magazine and a Kings Of Leon album called Youth & Young Manhood. I had time to listen to a couple songs after getting back home from work but before I knew it it was time to go to Heikka's house and help her with her packing. Shes leaving to New Mexico on the 18th to UWC (United World College). I'm gonna miss my best friend so much but at the same time I am so happy for her that she has the opportunity to do something so life changing! :)

August 6, 2009

I'm Sick!

Love this picture!!! picture by: Hannah Wilke

I am physically sick! Maybe a little mentally too, at least that's what THEY say! According to THEM I am a crazy stupid megalomaniac :D Anyways I have a horrible cough and a runny nose and I just feel so ill! And I've still gotta work for the whole rest of the week!!! And school starts next week!!! Oh #%¤/&!#%i/%#i!#/i?=)(/&%&#¤"!!! I gotta start studying math again and I suck at it! SAVE ME!!! :S