July 31, 2009

The Last Day

Wednesday was the last day for me in Pirkkala for now. As you see I'm a little behind schedule :S Sorry! I'll catch up! Anyways the last day me and Elina spent sleeping in until 1 pm and laying on the beach the rest of the day until it was time for me to leave to the train and go back home to Seinäjoki :( I promise I will go back to Pirkkala as soon as possible! And on the 21st of august I'm going with my and Elinas family to their summer gottage for the whole weekend :) That's gonna be alot of fun I guarantee ;D

Ofcourse we had to make some food so I wouldn't starv during the 1 ½ hour train ride back home :D
My little naked shef :D

But now I have to go to work and make some money ;)

July 28, 2009

Hey Ho Let's Go!

With Elina... Again ;D Shopping at down town Tampere. Just a normal shopping day. Money was spent here and there and everywhere. And a little too enthusiastically. We went to eat at a nice restaurant in Tampere called Bella Roma and after we had payed the check for the delichious food we had ate, we notised that we didn't have any money left for the buss... and that was our only way back home! OOPS! All we knew was that we weren't gonna walk the 20 kilometers that we had back home! After thinking and weighting the different possibilities we desided to return one of the items we had bought. Luckily everything I had bought was bought from the sales so I couldent return any of my items :D But then again Elina... She had bought cosmetics from The Body Shop and was able to return the stuff she had bought :) Happily we ran to the buss and our day was saved! :)

Bikini 4€ H&M

Jacket 9.90€ Gina Tricot

After getting back home I quickly took a shower and changed my clothes for a spesial evening ;) You might or might not (I really wish u will!) hear about what hopefully will be stepping into my life ;)

I actually arrived here yesterday but we didn't do anything actually do anything interesting so here's just a fiew pictures from yesterday.

Tariq ^^

July 23, 2009

Monkeys on the wall!

Finally I got away from my new book that I've been so intensively reading this morning and afternoon. I just could not set it down! I hardly ever, or actually never read anything but now for some reason I have started to read again and this book has totally pulled me in with the plot!

Well my intentions were not to talk about books, but to talk about my and my family's "exiting" trip to a home exhibition at Valkeakoski, Tampere. I love houses and interior because of my mom. She has absolutely loved interior design her whole life and her job is actually within that field so no wonder she raised me into a interior fanatic as I am. We have always a project going on in our own house; we just finished with our new kitchen, which looks absolutely fabulous and the next project is our hallway and my sisters room. Alone my room has been renewed already three times! So obviously my mom really has passion and an eye for this stuff and that's why we had to go to the home exhibition so she would be on top of all the newest trends and fashions in the industry for her job.

The exhibition had a lot of houses to see, but the new trends didn't really seem to interest any of us. Small houses that take less energy, modern interiors and cold colors didn't leave a good taste in our mouths! At least I was very disappointed. Anyhow there was a couple houses that caught our eyes from the outside and a couple interesting details we spotted. But my absolute favorite thing was the monkeys on the wall!

July 21, 2009


Today I decided to stay home with my little sister Isabel and make the best brownies in the world, I call them Hush brownies. They have a lot of calories in them but what would life be without a little sweetness in it :) (Me and my excuses... -.-) Well anyways they turned out to taste delicious as always, not because I made them but because the recipe is just so damn good! I highly recommend you to try making it. It's very easy to make so there is hardly any risk of not succeeding at it!

Here's the recipe for it:

Hush brownies
  • 440g caster sugar
  • 50g cocoa
  • 50g melted butter
  • 4 eggs
  • 2 teaspoons of vanilla essence
  • 100g plain flour (sifted)
  • 300g white or brown chocolate chips
  • 250g unsalted macadamia nuts
Whip together the sugar, cocoa, butter, eggs and vanilla; fold in sifted flour; add chocolate chips and nuts; bake in tin or Pyrex dish for 30 minutes at 170C. Enjoy with some vanilla ice cream :)

You can leave the nuts out if your allergic or don't like nuts and maybe add something else in it. It wont change the texture of the brownie at all!

My mom stuck a knife straight down the middle -.-

July 20, 2009

Weekend Avec Elina

Last weekend happened a lot of interesting stuff.
Elina, my cousin came to our house from Tampere where she lives for a long weekend to spend some time with me before school starts again.
Friday and Saturday I had to work but luckily Sunday I had off which aloud us to have plenty of fun Saturday and Sunday evening ;)

First me and Elina went to visit Ilari at his house. After having coffee and chatting for a while we drove over to Latikkas house to a small party he had. During that evening me, my cousin and a girl we had met at the party desided to crash a wedding, that was held a couple doors over, and so we did :D It was fun, exiting and kinda scary, it was defenintly something I have never done before!

The next day we woke up early and went to Ylistaro with Elina and our friend Rede. We went to see Ilaris football game and to be honest Ilari kinda sucked :D But I'm shure it was because he was tired. :P
After the game we hed back home, rented a boat and went rowing into the mighty Nurmo river :) We had alot of problems with the boat but after everything we managed to get going and the river was absolutely beatiful! It felt like being in some other country than Finland but I guess Finland can be beatiful too...

They left me on that biggo rock.. but they came back to the rescue :)

And then we had some trouble getting the boat back on the shore...

After a interesting trip at the river me and Elina went to play tennis. In our case u coulden't really call it playing tennis... it was more like: "Serve! Shit it went too far... Get the ball!" :D But it was fun anyways :D

We look so athletic and active!After playing some interesting tennis we went to Ilaris house once again and had alot of fun fun fun! Or as you can see atleast I had alot of fun fun fun :D But hey, we only live once so lets make the best of it!
Today (Monday):

Today was a rainy day and we didn't really do anything besides went to a couple thrift stores to make some finds and I didn't even find anything :( Luckily Elina did though so it wasn't a completely unnecessary trip. In the end of this rainy day Elina jumped on the train and went back home to Pirkkala. Ofcourse I'm sad but the best thing about it is that I'm gonna go to her house next week and then there will be more tremendous fun! ;)

But for now good night, sleep tight and DON'T let the bed bugs bite! :o

July 17, 2009


Yesterday was an insanely fun day! ...For the most part at least :D First of all I had to wake up at 8.30 am which was not that fun! More like irritatingly annoying! I just couldn't manage to get my eyes open... but in the end I just had to get up and get myself ready for work. After all what would McDonald's be without me ;)

Anyways after a fun and relaxing day at work (NOT!) I went fishing with my friend Latikka to his summer cabin by the Nurmo river and that was the insanely fun part of the day :)
We fished, of course, played with little cuddly hedgehoges and grilled sausages and cinnamon rolls :DD

We also made our own fishing poles. I got hooked and there was blood gushing from my thumb :D Well not quite but there could have been!

The cinnamon roll grilling didn't work out that well but luckily I ate my share of the rolls before Latikka did :D
And I got more fish than Latikka did ;) But I also managed to brake one of the poles :D

The afternoon at the cabin was really fun and I haven't done anything like that in a while, so it was really refreshing. :) So thanks to Latikka for saving my day! Otherwise it would have been really boring as usual. :)

Hey by the way. Does anyone have any new and fresh ideas what to do??? I have the beginning of the week off from work and I would really wanna do something fun and out of the ordinary! :)

July 14, 2009


Today was a warm sunny day here in Seinäjoki where I live. I could even wear shorts and I wasn't cold and that's pretty amazing around here! I went to town with my dude friends Timi and Illu, Eetu had joined us too :) We drank coffee at the market square, chatted and just goofed around town. Then I bumbed into my mom and we continued to the second hand store where I found this adorable skirt for just 1€, now that's a bargain ;)

I look littlebit like a hippie :D

Skater dude Timi :)
But now I'm gonna go and eat some super yummy french toast --->