October 19, 2009

Last week

Well firstly, sorry that I really haven't been posting anything lately! I guess I just haven't had anything to write about!

Last week was off from school and on Monday the 12th I finally turned 17 so yay!!! :) Most of the week I was pretty much working at the Mc shack and on Saturday me, Joona and mom toke a little trip up to Vaasa and had lunch, shopped around for a while and went to see the musical My Fair Lady at the theatre. I didn't have the most exciting week off but at least I got to relax.
Now it's a new boring week at school but we'll all get trough it some way or another right? ;)
And I'll be posting something far more interesting and exciting for sure!!! :)
Have a great week!!! xoxo


  1. I demand more posts!! It's kiva to lukea tätä :)

  2. No sehä kiva että joku edes lukee tätä! En siis ihan turhaan kirjottele :D
