October 11, 2009

Missing it

I so want summer back! The weather is getting unbearably cold. I can't even drive my Vespa to school or to work in the mornings cause it's JUST TOO COLD!!! And I miss all of my lovely summer clothes and shoes :( I miss wearing tights without freezing my ass off and riding my bike without getting sick every time I do so.
I wanna move out of this crappy country called Finland (aka Freezeland) and go some place worm and never ever come back!

Yes! I just rode my bike back home from a friends house and it was cold. And yes! I'm sick AGAIN! And yes! I wrote this in influence of my angst due to the coldness...
Good night everyone <3 Maybe I'll worm up under my down covers :))


  1. And C'MON BABY. Give me some love and comment my blog sometimes. Yeees? :))

  2. Hate to break it to you, but I have a Vespa sitting in our garage right now! :)
    And I won't comment unless I have something to say...
    And u can stop the "proving me rong" thing any time now mister!

  3. Oh.. got me there. I don't know what's wrong with me :( anyway.. I want a picture of your Vespa.

  4. U need prove? Well you'll get it!
