September 22, 2009

R.I.P. Squirrel

Today while riding my scooter to school in a hurry (once again) to make it on time for my exam, a squirrel ran across the road and of course it ran right under my front tire -.- I heard a "skweeck" and the poor thing was dead :( I'm a horrible person! :'(

Yesterday we had a lot of fun with my mom and my siblings! :) We painted my feat to look like cars and I entered Bianco footwear's competition of the funkiest freeky feet. The first price is you get 1 minute to empty one of the Bianco footwear stores! I really really want to win :D I mean who wouldn't?

Jack was a cat and I got bunch of cute shots of him! Isn't he the cutest? :) Oh, and he just turned 4 on Sunday! Happy Birthday JACK! <3

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