September 30, 2009

Photogrphing faceless on heels

Takeing pictures of my little sister, uploading a pic on and presenting you my new heels! ;)


September 28, 2009


Listening to this weird/funky/psychedelic David Bowie album EART HL i NG that I'm having a hard time understanding...

One of my favorite songs from my man Bowie


OK I chose the new name for my blog WITHOUT YOU GUYS EVEN VOTING!!! Bunch of lazy ass readers -.-'

September 27, 2009

Friday Night

Super bored and super angst until my saviour/best friend/cast legged boy, Latikka, saved my rotted day with only a couple episodes of Friends and some good company!

I drew that scary face at the bottom with the text: "Latikka MUSSUKKA <3"

Hanging out with Latikka's ninja cat Roope :D

$ Shop for less vol.4 $

Yes shopping the second hand stores again and here's what I found. Everything is purchased from Aapelin Kellari and all together they cost only 13€
Tee 1,50€

High waste, strait leg jeans 2€ that I'm gonna make to be skinny leg

Shirt 2€

Vero Moda knit like new only 2,50€

Nanso skirt 3€

Suede coat 2€

September 24, 2009


I'm thinking about changing my blogs name. Have you got any ideas?
Here's a couple I've been thinking about:
  1. Unwashed And Somewhat Slightly Dazed
  2. An Occasional Dream
  3. Oh! You pretty things

Please vote for your favorite or share your own ideas!!! If you like the current name please tell me that too! :)

Wtf BITCH!!!

My friend Olli who's living in New York right now said that that little boy behind the wheel reminds him of me :( That's nice :D:D:D:D:D:D:D! I love u too Olli <3

September 22, 2009

R.I.P. Squirrel

Today while riding my scooter to school in a hurry (once again) to make it on time for my exam, a squirrel ran across the road and of course it ran right under my front tire -.- I heard a "skweeck" and the poor thing was dead :( I'm a horrible person! :'(

Yesterday we had a lot of fun with my mom and my siblings! :) We painted my feat to look like cars and I entered Bianco footwear's competition of the funkiest freeky feet. The first price is you get 1 minute to empty one of the Bianco footwear stores! I really really want to win :D I mean who wouldn't?

Jack was a cat and I got bunch of cute shots of him! Isn't he the cutest? :) Oh, and he just turned 4 on Sunday! Happy Birthday JACK! <3

September 16, 2009

$ Shop for less vol.3 $

Yes I have been shopping again but this time I bought only 3 items for 12.5 €. I've been lately going to a flee market almost every day to just make sure there's nothing I'm missing out on! Luckily there isn't always something I'd wanna by cause if there would be... well I don't even wanna go there! :S
Anyways here are the tops:

This is my apsolute favorite! I just don't what kind of bottom I should wear it with... Any ideas? :O

I also bought a new CD from

September 11, 2009


This day is known all around the world as the anniversary of what happened 8 years ago in New York City. We all know what happened there that day and I don't need to remind you of it as it was a tragedy to most of us. I hope for you to take a minute in silence honoring the people that either died, got injured or lost a loved one...

But today is not only sadness as this day is also my name day, Alexandra's day! :)

And of course I had to have a little something sweet to make me feel special ;)

September 8, 2009

Stop and Stare

Oh my god! I just found a video of my cousin Elina on youtube singing One Republic's song Stop and Stare. I thought it was really good and she's an awesome singer! But watch it and why not leave a comment! :)

September 7, 2009

Les obtus libre heure.

I'm on my one and only free period of the day and I couldn't bee more tired! I fell asleep during chemistry class and can't remember a thing of it... Somebody just take me home to sleep! Mornings are definitely not my thing.
3.30 pm today to the cinema with my friends to see Les vacances de M. Hulot which is an old black and white French comedy from 1953. It seem pretty interesting! I toke part of a Ihmefilmi project so that's why we're gonna go and see the movie.

Oh and that headline is supposed to be french but I have no idea how wrong or right it is :D And it "means", should mean: "A boring free period."

And here's the trailer for the film:

September 5, 2009

Make up your mind

So about my exchange year that should be happening next February to Costa Rica. Well I decided not to go after all and to in August to Dominican Republic :) I know I can't make up my mind but hey I'm a girl so I am aloud to change my min whenever and as often as I wan to :D Right?

Dominican Republic just felt more right when I really started to look into the both countries. They have a lot of dancing, 1/3 of the island is white sand beach and oh, did I mention it is an island in the Caribbean??? I mean what could be better than laying around in one of the world's most beautiful, relaxing and cultural paradise islands? Beats me!

During the beginning of next year and next summer is my mothers graduation from Interior Design School, my cousins confirmation, my prom and our family reunion that we have only every 5 years. And I really don't wanna miss all of that!

And thank God they have surfing!

September 4, 2009


I got lost on Nasty Gal's website and came across these items that I absolutely fell in love with! I want them so bad and if I would have the money I would most definitely bye them, but I don't so there is no way I can order the clothes from Nasty Gal :'( Sniff!