May 24, 2011


Finally I've got my own place now in a flat closer to the city! I started renting the first of May and so far I've been loving being alone. Sure, I love my apartment too... however I am not completely happy with the way it looks right now. Nothing majour needs to be done like for example with the walls or floor etc. It's a brand new flat and I'm the first to live in that apartment. I have some great pieces that I really like, but I can't quite put my finger on what kind of a vibe I would want to creat in the 30m2 space. This would be one idea: urban chic??? The problem is that I like so many different styles and I've got so many different ideas floating around in my head that it makes the desition makeing very hard! Saturday I'm hosting my house warming party so I better make up my mind by then. Chop-chop!

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