March 17, 2011


Organic foods are those that are produced using environmentally friendly methods that don't involve modern synthetic chemicals such as pesticides, fertilizers, and food additives. They also do not contain GMO (genetically modified organisms) or irradiation. For the majority of human history agriculture can be described as organic. Only during the 20th century has synthetic chemicals been introduced to the food industry.
  Organic farming is also less damaging for the environment. Firstly organic farming does not use synthetic chemicals and therefore does not release it in to the nature. Secondly it has been calculated that organic farms use less energy and produce less waste than non-organic farms and as a result of that organic farms are far more energy efficient.
  It has also been proven that organic foods are safer for the consumer than conventionally grown foods. So why are grocery stores full of the less healthy conventionally grown foods instead of the healthy nutritional organics?
  Conventionally grown foods are cheaper than organic foods and often packed in larger packs which makes the foods more desirable. But what people don't realize is that when they save on money while shopping for good bargains in the grocery stores they are not saving their health. When an average person steps in a store only to pick up a view thing they tend to make at least a couple impulse purchases. If a human would learn to not make those impulsive buys and buy only what is necessary, instantly money would be saved and organic food wouldn't seem so expensive after all. So what is your choice from now on? Would you like to step back into reality where everything doesn't revolve around money but your mind could actually revolve around you and your loved ones? That is the choice I made :)

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