January 15, 2010

Short hair! :O

I am about to reveal my most biggest mistake I ever made! I cut my hair short and I mean short! My dad encouraged me to it and as stupid as I was I did it and I have never been more ashamed of myself than those following 2½ years! Thank God my hair has grown long and I actually look like a pretty decent looking GIRL now :D


  1. hey wait a minute!!! so you cut your hair like "long" time ago, right? you look like a feminist :DD

  2. but hey don't worry.. sometimes shit like that happens. usually you can blame your hairdresser :S

  3. haha voi että ne onki ollu tosi lyhyet!:D ja tosi äkkiähän ne on kasvanu!:o

  4. niinpä :) mutta onneks on kasvanu!!

  5. anteeksi mutta on pakko vielä kommentoida, kuinka tuo eka kuva aina piristää mua :D oot niin LOL.

  6. No ehkä ku nauran siinä ihan täysiä nii oon vähä LOL :D
