December 15, 2009


graphic art by me -08


X-mas is on it's way and I'm super excited!! :) Friday wakeing up at 3.30 am and heading to the airport and me and my mom will be on the plain and on our way to Stockholm ;) Guaranteed I'll be doing lot's of Christmas shopping for myself and of course for friends and family :) Actually makeing one for my friend in Arkansas right now!
Here's some pics from the gorgeous bohemian Story Hotel that we'll be staying at over the weekend:

December 11, 2009

Play List Of The Month: December

 The Ravionettes - The Christmas Song
The Long Winters - Christmas With You Is The Best
Low - Just Like Christmas
Eels - Christmas Is Going To The Dogs
Rooney - Merry Xmas Everybody
Ben Kweller - Rock Of Ages
The Flaming Lips - Christmas At The Zoo
Leona Naess - Christmas
Ron Sexsmith - Maybe This Christmas

December 4, 2009

Oh Jack!

Skipping trough pictures of Kate Moss on, stopped to take a closer look at this one and than my little brother Jack 4 years old comes and asks me totally amazed that: "What is that monkey doing with that pretty girl?" and points at Karl Lagerfield :D:D:D:D:D Poor Karl... well at least it brought a smile on my face :)

December 2, 2009

La la land

Finally waken up from my winter hibernation! I've been just spacing out in la la land, reading, watching movies, listening to my favorite X-mas songs and to Incubus of course ;) And I'm so sorry that I haven't been posting anything lately. But now I'm back in business! :)
I thought I would share a little bit of my X-mas wish list/Stockholm shopping list with ya.

Bianco prize!

Finally I received the long waited package from Bianco today!!! It was waiting for me on the kitchen table when I got back home from school and I gotta say I was very pleasantly surprised by what I found from inside :D
Two party bags! I love the black one! It's so perfect :) I guess I'll have to go to a party... Maybe Friday ;))
Also the winner pictures will be put up in all of Bianco Footwears shops for the winter campaign so be sure to check out your closest Bianco shops! :)